(in French): Comment discuter avec les membres de votre famille
(In German): Bildarbeitsblätter für Gespräche mit Familienmitgliedern
(in Spanish): Cómo hablar con un adulto que vive contigo ~ hoja de trabajo
(In Polish): Porozmawiaj z Rodzicami i Rodze?stwem- materia?y do ?wicze?
Free check-off worksheets for children with ASD’s to explore conversation topics with family members
Children with autism spectrum disorders often have difficulties having conversations with the people they live with. It really helps to use picture guides. Here is a set of easy-to-use worksheets for classroom, speech room and home.

How to use the worksheets:
1. Have the child put check marks next to the photos they think represent the person’s interests.
2. Go over the images one at a time with the child. Explain that the family member probably has many interests that are different from the child’s own interests.
3. The sheet “Questions, Comments, Compliments” can be used to set up role plays and actual conversation practice with family members.
4. Have family members fill them out for the child to use as a reference.
5. Project the sheets using a smart board or projector – this really helps for small group or classroom discussions about family members.
I hope these worksheets are useful for you.
Joel Shaul, LCSW
For more free materials on facilitating parent/child conversation for children with autism: How Was Your Day? Sheets
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