CBT for Kids

1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy YouTube Videos for Children with ASD

These eight CBT videos are simple, highly visual explanations of how to identify automatic negative thoughts, called “Poison Thoughts,” and use “Antidote Thoughts” to fight them.  They are based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and carefully simplified to be accessible to children. 

These CBT videos for children with ASD are very helpful to use in conjunction with most of the emotional skills resource on this website. It is often not necessary to view all eight of the videos. Feel free to skip around.

Many parts of these videos are also very appropriate to use with children who are not on the autism spectrum.

Recommended: Review this concise guide to using the CBT Videos.

Click on each image to be connected to the video.





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2. Short videos describing resources to use with the CBT videos

CBT “Poison Thought” cards

Simple CBT Worksheets for Kids

CBT Problem Solution DIY Cards Kit

3. Free, downloadable mental health activities, games, resources

My CBT videos are not meant to be used all by themselves. By all means, access other mental health resources to use with them.

Here are lots of free resources you can download.