Refinements to make CBT better suited for kids
Cognitive behavioral therapy was developed originally not for children, but for educated adults. Over time, child psychotherapists have incorporated various refinements to make CBT accessible and useful for children.
This 5–part series pulls together some of my own efforts to make CBT as helpful as possible for young people.
The titles for each part are listed below. Read them in order or select any one by clicking on the link.
Intro: Refinements to Make CBT Better Suited for Kids [link]
Part 1: About CBT YouTube Videos & How to Use Them [link]
Part 2: CBT Token Systems – CBT Cards, a Free Download [link]
Part 3: More CBT Token Systems – Using Mr. Yuk Stickers [link]
Part 4: Creating Thought “Enemies” and “Heroes” in Child CBT [link]
Part 5: Tailoring CBT Methods & Media to the Individual [link]