In German: 100 Fotos, die Kindern mit Autismus helfen, Konversation zu üben
Hebrew translation of this resource

autism social skills conversation starter

To download the PowerPoint, find the link at the top of this post.


A conversation starter photo kit to project, use on a laptop, use in your tablet in PDF, or print out

Children with autism spectrum disorders usually face enormous difficulties figuring out what to say in diverse social situations.  When we are helping such children  in counseling, speech sessions and in the classroom, we need to provide them with engaging activities to explore what other people are up to, what other people are thinking, and how to begin conversations based on other people’s interests and circumstances.

Over a period of years I put together a 100 diverse photos that work well for conversation practice.  Children really love looking at the pictures and trying to think of something to say.

I put a lot of interesting animated features into this… anything to keep kids engaged in work that is very challenging for them.




Suggestions for using this kit:

1.  It works well if you, the adult, act out the role of the person in each slide.  The child then talks to you while you stay in character.
2.  For children who read, print out the Question/Compliment/Comment Page (next slide) for each child to use as a reference for words and phrases.
3.  It helps enormously if you give out any kind of tokens while you are going through the various scenarios. Here is some cool play money I made.
I hope that you enjoy this social skills activity for children on the autism spectrum.  I enjoyed creating it.

Joel Shaul, LCSW

*Don’t miss these other free social skills games, worksheets, speech activities and teaching / therapy aids for helping kids with autism:


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By Elaine

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