Puzzle Piece Drawing Sheets: Cooperative Social Skills Activity for Children on the Autism Spectrum (and others)
Puzzle drawing sheets – a cooperative social skills activity for children with (and without) autism...
Puzzle drawing sheets – a cooperative social skills activity for children with (and without) autism...
Many of my social skills resources for children with autism include large visuals that can...
The amazing world of YouTube videos made by people on the autism spectrum Please watch...
You can access these materials in Spanish by following THIS LINK. Here are a few...
To download and print this resource, click here: Relating to Girls Panels & Cards To...
Children with autism spectrum disorders often suffer quite a lot from being teased and bullied. ...
To download this free, printable resource, click on this red link below: Control Meters Download...
Teachers, mental health professionals and speech and language therapists all work hard to help children...
Children with autism who talk too much or too little in group situations Neurotypical people...
There are many other resources on the website to help children with ASD to learn...