“Worry cards” – Free download card game activity to help kids with ASD deal with anxiety
Children with ASD’s deal with a lot of anxiety. Here is a card-based activity to...
Children with ASD’s deal with a lot of anxiety. Here is a card-based activity to...
Turn taking and theory of mind deficits The diverse social skills associated with taking turns...
Free check-off worksheets for children with ASD’s to explore conversation topics with family members Children...
In French: Comment-discuter-avec-membres-de-votre-famille-fiches-de-travail Free check-off worksheets for children with ASD’s to explore conversation topics with...
In an earlier post, I provide an isolation card activity for you to download and...
Children with autism spectrum disorders often suffer quite a lot from being teased and bullied. ...
To download this free, printable resource, click on this red link below: Control Meters Download...
To download the pdf of this kit, click on the red link here: Social Cards...
Children with autism spectrum disorders often experience challenges relate to rigidity. They can...
Many children with autism spectrum disorders can get bogged down with our spoken teaching....