Part 3: Workplace preparation Q & A cards (printable & screen-based)
A game-like card activity to promote workplace readiness in teens and young adults on the...
A game-like card activity to promote workplace readiness in teens and young adults on the...
Do-it-yourself social skills cards designed to look like Pokémon and Yu-gi-oh In mental health, special...
Social skills resources for children who are not English-speakers I have many free resources translated...
Social skills conversation game to help children with autism practice small talk For many young...
This same resource, translated into German [This is page 10 of the English and French...
(For OTHER on-screen social skills games, click here) Christmas (and other holiday) social skills challenges...
This resource in German: Karten für wachsende Freundschaften This social skills card game is designed...
September 2021 Many of us in education, mental health and speech spent hundreds of hours...
To view the remainder of the free resources on social communication, click HERE. To view...
To view the remainder of the free resources on social communication, click HERE. To view...