Part 5: Creative use of others’ images and AI for social & emotional learning.
I have included this additional category of art-related therapy resources – use of images not...
I have included this additional category of art-related therapy resources – use of images not...
Doing coloring during therapy activities can be beneficial in several ways. In Part 2 and...
So many autistic children love to draw. Doing art with others is new to most...
Why should teachers and therapists have a child on the autism spectrum color and draw...
Some reasons to use art A. Art can add levity and variety to social-emotional learning....
In my own mental health and social skills work with individuals, groups and classes on...
Your comments on these resources are most welcome, and often helpful. Click HERE to send...
in Spanish: Dibuja una pizza con un compañero – hoja de trabajo para fomentar la...
To download the PDFs for these worksheets, click on the red link below: Light Force...