
For children who don’t speak English, there are many free resources available on this website.

  1. Translated resources (click on each language below):






2. Resources that are not translated, but they are very useful for non-English speakers because they are A). mainly picture-based, or they B). allow you to add your own text in your language:

Picture-based / add text in your language

Translations of Joel Shaul’s books for children

Click HERE to see books that are translated into French, Polish, Mandarin and Japanese

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Would you like to be a translator?

It has been my pleasure to be able to collaborate with generous, hard-working translators from all over the world.

If you would like to translate any of my free resources into your own native language, I would be happy to talk with you. – please contact me.

[a few example of free translated resources]

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Emotion Cards French Featured Image