Our How-To Videos

Click on these links to watch Joel Shaul’s videos on YouTube

The first eight videos  are simple explanations of how to identify automatic negative thoughts, called “Poison Thoughts,” and use “Antidote Thoughts” to fight them.  They are based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and simplified to be accessible to children.  They are very helpful to use in conjunction with most of the emotional skills resource on this website. It is often not necessary to view all eight of the videos. Click on the image to be connected to the video.







The video below explains how to use a toy balance to teach reciprocity in conversation.


The video below explains how to use picture prompts to reinforce elements of nonverbal communication.


The video below shows how to use word prompts to teach using validation language in conversation.


The video below shows how to use a hello song to reinforce greetings.


The video below shows how to use a song to reinforce saying goodbye.


The video below shows how to use a song to reinforce eye contact.


Upset Feelings Video for Kids: CBT Video One

Upset Feelings Video for Kids: CBT Video Two

Upset Feelings Video for Kids: CBT Video Three

Upset Feelings Video for Kids: CBT Video Four

Upset Feelings Video for Kids: CBT Video Five

Upset Feelings Video for Kids:  CBT Video Six

Upset Feeling Video for Kids: CBT Video Seven

Upset Feelings Video for Kids: CBT Video Eight

CBT Thought Bubbles: How to Download and Use Them

Simple CBT Worksheets: How to Download and Use Them

Brief descriptions of the free download resources on social communication

Brief descriptions of the free download resources on emotional regulation

Brief descriptions of the free download resources combining relationships/emotions/communication

Using visual word prompts and a song to teach showing interest to kids with ASD

Using picture prompts for non-verbal communication for children with ASD

Using chain and girder pictures to teach conversation skills to kids with ASD

Using a balance to teach relationship reciprocity to children with ASD

Using a balance to teach conversation reciprocity to children with ASD

Using a flip camera for social skills training for kids with ASD

How to make social-skills training game-like and fun for children with ASD

Social-skills training technique for ASD, using tokens

Hello songs to reinforce greetings for kids with ASD

Goodbye song for teaching goodbye to kids with ASD

Social-skills song to promote eye contact for kids with ASD